Aapo Grid

Aapo Grid

Aapo Grid delivers insight into the implications of vibrations for everyone by remotely monitor vibration levels from multiple demolition sites and blast locations on a single online platform

The founders of Aapo Grid both had technical engineering backgrounds and had been  working with construction firms to help understand the potential risk that vibration damage posed for new construction and surrounding infrastructure for the past decade.  However with limited knowledge of the development process they turned to Novaders with a challenge of consolidating industry sensor tools and to help build their own IOT based sensor system of their own.


  • Non Technical Founders.
  • Consolidate none compatible device data into one single platform.
  • Develop a more cost efficient sensor for deployment.

Our fingerprint

Novaders team assembled a small rapid prototyping team. The teams focus was on getting an MVP up and running as quickly as possible. In order for this project to be successful first the team had to establish connectivity to several industry sensors so that data could transfer from device to a cloud based portal that was running on AWS. After the industry devices connectivity was established the team worked on reverse engineering a sensor of their own that could help reduce the total cost of deploying vibration monitoring systems.


In less then 7 months the team created an entire IOT echo systems. The system consisted of a self service E-commerce site for ordering new sensors. It also reworked the way that devices connected to the cloud. Taking several steps out of the previous process. Verified sensors in parallel to industry sensors. All while reducing the maintenance and total cost of deployment.